Post Name : RRB NTPC Syllabus
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) and Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC)
Short Details :
- Various post includes in this vacancy like junior clerk cum typist, junior time keeper , train clerk , commercial cum ticket clerk ,accounts clerk cum typist etc.
- others important details was provided in official notification ntpc exam syllabus .

RRB NTPC Syllabus :
FIRST STAGE , COMPUTER BASED TEST (CBT) Test : common for all post of CEN 01/2019
Exam duration in minutes | Number of question | Total number of questions |
90 min | Gk =40,math=30 ,General Intelligence and Reasoning =30 | 100 |
Question will be of objective type with multiple choices :
- Number systems , Decimals , LCM ,HCF , fractions ,ratio and proportions ,time and work ,time and distance ,percentage ,mensuration, simple interests , compound interests, profit and loss .
- Elementary algebra ,trigonometry , geometry , Elementary statistics .
B) General Intelligence and Reasoning :
- Analogies ,Completion of Number and alphabetical series ,coding and decoding, mathematical operations , similarities and differences , relationships.
- Analytical Reasoning , syllogism , jumbling , Venn diagrams ,puzzle ,data sufficiency ,statement conclusion ,statement-courses of action, decision making, maps ,interpretation of graphs Etc .
C) General Awareness :
- Current events of National and international importance.
- games and sports ,art and culture of India, Indian literature ,monuments and places of India.
- And History of India and freedom struggle ,Indian polity and Governance-constitution and political system.
- Physical ,Social and economic geography of India and world , General scientific and technology development including space and nuclear program of India and world.
- Environmental issues of India and world , Basics of computer and its application ,transport system in India ,famous personalities of India and world.
- Flora and fauna of India etc.
Stage two : Computer Based Test (CBT)
Exam Duration In Minutes | No. of Questions | Total no. of Questions |
90 | GK=50, Mathematics=35, General Intelligence and Reasoning=35 | 120 |
Same syllabus of first stage.
Important links:
Frequently Asked Question Download | CLICK HERE |
Important Notice :
- कभी आपको नौकरी दिलाने के लिए आपसे पैसे नहीं मांगती | ऐसे फ्रॉड कॉल से सावधान रहें |
- साथ ही कभी किसी अनजान को फ़ोन पर आने वाले OTP न बताएं |
- हम कभी भी आपको नौकरी दिलाने के लिए फ़ोन करते और न पैसे मांगते | इसलिए ऐसे फ्रॉड लोगो का शिकार होने से बचें |
- यह वेबसाइट केवल आपके लिए नई नई नौकरीओ की जानकारी लेके आती है |
- नौकरीओ की जानकारी रोजन पाने के लिए हमारे व्हाट्सप्प और टेलीग्राम ग्रुप से जुड़े |
- और रोजाना इस वेबसाइट को visit करे और government ,private , DC Rate और ऑनलाइन जॉब्स की जानकारी पाए |
FAQ Section :
Q.1 What is Exam Duration of RRB NTPC ?
Ans. 90 minutes.
Q.2 Where to Download Syllabus of RRB NTPC ?
Ans. You Can download RRB NTPC Syllabus by Click on link provided for downloading.
अपने दोस्तों को यह पोस्ट (Facebook , Whatsapp और Telegram ) पर शेयर करे ताकि उनको भी नौकरी की जानकारी मिल सके |